Bulletin for 3-19-2023
For the week beginning March 19 2023, enjoy scriptures, news, and events from your parish family at Mission San Luis Rey.
For the week beginning March 19 2023, enjoy scriptures, news, and events from your parish family at Mission San Luis Rey.
Para la semana que comienza, disfrute de las escrituras, noticias y eventos de su familia parroquial en Mission San Luis Rey.
Fr. Oscar asks us to let the mercy and compassion of Jesus into our lives.
-Give the gift of an Easter Food basket! $50.00 will spread the joy of Easter to a family in need.
-Forming Missionary Disciples continues with reflections on the Gospel of St. John during the Stations of the Cross.
-Franciscan Legacy Day featured a Day of Service at Mission San Luis Rey Parish
-Third Sunday of Lent: Weekly Reflections available.
–El Padre Sam nos pide que consideremos no “¿Qué DEBO hacer?” sino “¿Qué más PUEDO hacer?” ¿para la cuaresma?
-¡Su donación al Llamado Católica Anual es importante! ¡Ayudanos a alcanzar nuestra meta!
-Oportunidades de Cuaresma para la Reconciliación y la Oración
-Fr. Sam asks us to consider not “What MUST I do?” but “What more CAN I do?” for lent?
-Your donation to the Annual Catholic Appeal is important! Help us reach our goal!
-Lenten Opportunities for Reconciliation and Prayer
-Youth and Young Adults Activities for March
-Bakers wanted for the St. Joseph Table Bake sale!
-The Pastoral Council offers a Franciscan Thought
-Forming Missionary Disciples Continues
Para la semana que comienza, disfrute de las escrituras, noticias y eventos de su familia parroquial en Mission San Luis Rey.
For the week beginning February 26, 2023, enjoy reflections, news, and events from your parish family at Mission San Luis Rey.
La santidad es una realidad que está tan incrustada en el ser humano como el ADN, porque es un don gratuito que nos es dado desde el primer momento en que fuimos creados por Dios. – Hermano Salvador (Página #3)
Holiness is a reality that is as embedded in the human being as DNA, because it is a free gift that is given to us from the first moment we were created by God. – Br. Salvador (Page #3)
Fr. Oscar invites you to make a resolution to grow in the love Jesus teaches, putting it into practice.
Parish Office closed Saturday, February 19th. Happy President’s Day!
This weekend begins “Living Our Faith”, the Annual Catholic Appeal from the Diocese of San Diego.
Join us for part two of our scripture class for Forming Missionary Disciples.
The Ash Wednesday schedule and Lenten Reconciliation services are here!
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