Hear the Voice of Love

Dear Brothers and Sisters, On these days, when best wishes, the most endearing human feelings, and the social values typical of Christian roots flourish, on these days of celebration, of joy, of places and houses with many decorations and lights, it is suitable to announce the true protagonist: Jesus. Christmas is a mystery of love. Read More

Experience Joy

From Our Pastor On this Third Sunday of Advent, the liturgy invites us to experience JOY. In the first part of today’s Gospel, we meet three groups of people who turn to John the Baptist to obtain concrete life guidelines: the common people, the tax collectors, and the soldiers. Everyone has a recurring question: “What Read More

Boletín 12-15-2024

REFLEXIÓN DEL EVANGELIO En realidad, Juan Bautista no es tan estricto cuando dice: “Quien tenga dos mantos, que los reparta con el que no tiene”, pero Jesús exigirá aún más a sus discípulos. — Padre Lalo Jara, OFM ¡NUEVO ESTA SEMANA! Para la semana que comienza, disfrute de las escrituras, noticias y eventos de su Read More

Christmas Angel Gifts GIVEN! 2024

¡Regalos de ángeles de Navidad REGALADOS! 2024 Today, our Christmas Angel gifts are flying into the arms of happy children. Thank you to our Social Outreach team, Confirmation students and parents, and the Men of St. Joseph Prayer group, who cooked a delicious lunch for the families and offered tables of Christmas ornaments to decorate. Read More

Boletín 12-08-2024

REFLEXIÓN DEL EVANGELIO La imagen de Nuestra Señora conmueve corazones, conmueve a una nación entera, reúne multitudes de diferentes partes del planeta para experimentar su amor. Padre More Torres, OFM ¡NUEVO ESTA SEMANA! Para la semana que comienza, disfrute de las escrituras, noticias y eventos de su familia parroquial en Mission San Luis Rey. Haga Read More

Why did Mary appear on the Hill of Tepeyac?

From Our Associate Pastor Why did Mary appear on the Hill of Tepeyac? Are these Apparitions true? There are many studies on the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and some of these investigations are objectively close to the “truth,” but other speculations lead us to a factual reality. The historical context is very precise Read More

Bulletin for 12-08-2024

GOSPEL REFLECTION The image of Our Lady moves hearts, moves an entire nation, and brings together multitudes from different parts of the planet to experience her love. — Fr. More Torres, OFM – New this week! Click the picture or this link for the video of our pre-mass slideshow for the week beginning December 8, Read More

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