High School Teens: Step Into January 2023

🌞JANUARY🌞 happy 2023!! 🎇
In this new year and new month, we invite you to join us for youth group on Sunday nights 6:30-8 pm in the youth room!! We have some new exciting things coming this year!
** NO youth group this Sunday January 8th** good luck to those returning to school from winter break on Monday! 🙂

December Is For Young Adults

December is for Young Adults! We invite you all to join us this month for our gatherings on Thursday nights at 7 pm!! * note: 12/21 is a wednesday & our youth/young adult ministry posada! 🤩 if you have never experienced a posada before, join us!! All young adults are welcome so bring a friend!
YOU belong!🙌🏼

Youth & Young Adult Mass

THIS SUNDAY ✝️ join us for our monthly youth & young adult mass! All are welcome!
with a special bonus after mass we will be led in prayer with Deacon Salvador & our parish youth band in a night of prayer and adoration.

YOU belong! you’re never too far to get closer to God! 🙌🏼
— at Mission San Luis Rey Parish.

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