The Courage to Ask Jesus

Jesus Heals

In this Sunday’s Gospel passage, we hear the story of Bartimaeus, a blind beggar who asks Jesus to be healed. Even though the crowd is blocking him, Bartimaeus persists, and Jesus responds to his faith by restoring his sight. This passage highlights the importance of faith and persistence, even in the face of obstacles.

Pope Francis often emphasizes the need to listen to those who are isolated, to those in the “existential peripheries,” as he calls them. Bartimaeus represents the marginalized, voiceless, those that Society ignores. However, Jesus hears their cry. Pope Francis reminds us that the Church must be a place where the cries of the poor, the sick, and the forgotten are heard. His teachings, and more importantly, through what he does, through his actions, the Pope challenges us to go beyond our comfort zones and reach out to those in need, just as Jesus did with Bartimaeus.

In today’s world, we face many forms of blindness. Social injustice, environmental destruction, and even spiritual complacency can cloud our vision. Like Bartimaeus, we must recognize our need for healing and have the courage to ask Jesus. Pope Francis continually warns against the “globalization of indifference” that dulls our compassion and allows us to ignore the suffering around us. We are called, like Bartimaeus, to cry out for mercy, not only for ourselves but for a world that needs transformation.

Just as Bartimaeus received a new vision and followed Jesus on his path, we are called to let Jesus open our eyes to the suffering and needs of others. We are invited to have a more profound faith to take deeper action. With renewed vision, we can respond to the challenges of our time, working for justice, peace, and the healing of creation in line with Pope Francis’ vision. May the Lord always give you His peace.

Fr. Lalo Jara, OFM Pastor, Mission San Luis Rey Parish

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