From Our Associate Pastor
How many of us firmly believe that God loves us unconditionally? If we do not, our faith and hope in Him will be in vain. God created us in his image and likeness so that we could respond to that love with which He loves us so much. God’s greatest proof of love is that he gives us his only Son, not to condemn us but to save us. Do we accept that invitation, or do we reject and ignore it?

Jesus not only came to save us, but he also died for us to show us his unconditional love. And not only did he offer himself as a victim for us by dying on a cross, but he also resurrected, preparing a mansion for us so that where He is, we may also be. Do we believe what we read in the Holy Scriptures and what we profess every Sunday in the Holy Eucharist after the homily? God’s love will never change, no matter how difficult and critical our life is. God is always there and accompanies us at all times.
God gives us his only Son so that we might always walk with Him in the light because Jesus is the light of the world. He who walks with Him cannot walk in darkness because darkness and sin lead us to death and destruction. Let us not misuse that unconditional love of God. God wants all His sons and daughters, whom He has created in His image and likeness, to be saved. Why does humanity, which has been created in the image and likeness of God, cling to living in darkness and sin? Could it be that we don’t love God as we say? Looking around us, we will realize that many of us live in darkness and not in light because our very works and actions denounce us by themselves. We must remember that giving up that unconditional love leads us to sadness, despair, and anguish because we cling to doing our will, not God’s will.
On the other hand, many people are sons and daughters of God who say, “I am free, and I have the right to do with my life whatever I want.” The question is, why is it that when you abuse that freedom and things go very badly in your life, do you blame God for the misuse of your freedom? Why have you cut God out of your life? He is always looking for you because you are his son and daughter and matter more to him than anyone else.
Let us never forget that a life without God or outside Him is sad and depressing. And despite our indifference, God never tires of loving and forgiving us because God is all love. God has created us to be free; he has given us free will, but unfortunately, we do not know how to use that freedom. The day we use that freedom for our good and the good of others, we will be happier in this life and, of course, in eternal life.
Let’s listen to our God, brothers and sisters. Let us ask God to soften our hearts to respond to His love. Let us put aside indifference, pride, arrogance, and self-sufficiency. We have been created to love and not to hate. We have been created to be happy and not to be miserable. We have been created to live with God in heaven for all eternity and not for this transitory, earthly world. Let us make space every day in our lives to deepen that unconditional love of God. Let’s take advantage of what we have left to live to respond to that unconditional love. Let’s understand God’s unconditional love while we live in this transitory world. I am sure that we would not fear death because it is the moment in which we will fully experience God’s unconditional love in heaven. Let’s taste and see the goodness of the Lord. Amen.
With love and respect, Friar Alberto
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