The Presence of the King

Seek the Kingdom of God

From Our Deacon

As various political and social scientists examine our culture, they find personal independence and individualism deeply engrained in our psyche. We see this trait expressed by our preoccupation with personal rights and freedom to the exclusion of personal responsibility and corporate well-being. Many, many people in this country are not only comfortable demanding their rights but in fact are committed to defending their rights at all costs, even at the cost of others’ freedom.

Most of us are not fighting the battle of whether Jesus is the Savior or not. We know and believe that he is. Furthermore, we welcome the grace of having him pay for our sins.

(En Español)

The battle we are fighting is the one who will rule in our lives, who will call the shots on how we will live. Many have not yet bowed their knee in loving surrender and welcomed Jesus as both Christ and King. So, an internal battle often goes on over every issue of Christian spirituality and behavior, “Do I give in on this issue, or keep control? Resist or surrender?” “Obey God, or obey my passions?” With these battles raging inside of us it is no wonder that we often experience little of the joy promised to us as Christians and members of Christ’s Kingdom. But the promised joy primarily comes to those who willingly submit to his rule.

In the secret recesses of our soul dwells a throne room, and we alone hold the key that controls the door to this room and the right to sit and rule there. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen explains it well, “The best introduction to it may be told in the story of a painting. It is a picture of Christ standing at the side of an ivy-covered door and knocking.

Holman Hunt, its artist, was criticized because there was no latch to be seen on the outside of the door. The answer of the artist was that the latch is on the inside—we open it. Heaven knocks down no doors.” On this Christ the King Sunday, we need to recognize Jesus standing at the door to our hearts and knocking. Let’s willingly unlatch the door and ask him to enthrone Himself in our hearts to rule forevermore. This is indeed the way to honor Christ the King

. —Deacon Lyle

(En Español)

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