Witness the First Miracle of Jesus

Faith Formation

From the Associate Pastor

Fr. Alberto Villafan, OFM

:–Today, Sunday, January 16, we witness the first miracle that Jesus performs at the wedding of Cana! Surely, Jesus wants the party, the joy, and the conviviality to continue with the bride and groom and guests! In such a feast, the most holy Mary, the Mother of Jesus and our mother, makes an appearance.

Mary plays a very important role in the life of Jesus and in our lives as well. Mary tells the servants to do what Jesus tells them. Mary also tells us to do what Jesus tells us! Jesus tells us, “love one another, as I have loved you.” “He who eats my body and drinks my blood has eternal life.” “I’m the way, the truth, and the life. No one goes to the Father, except through me”.

Do we obey and follow these commandments from Jesus? As his followers, do we imitate His example? Do we live a life of grace, prayer, and communion? Let us ask the Lord Jesus to give us a heart like his to love as he loves; to eat and drink his blood and thus have eternal life! Let us also pray that we have Jesus as our only Messiah! Only Jesus offers us the reward of heaven if we believe in him and follow his commandments! Together, we pray, amen!

With love and respect, Padre Alberto Villafan, ofm

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