You Are Not Alone

Grain of Wheat

From Our Pastor

First of all, I want to thank God for Fr. Sam’s presence in our community for the last three years. His gifts and talents were a great blessing for San Luis Rey Parish. I, the staff, and all of us wish him many blessings in his new assignment, let us continue keeping him in our prayers.

I also want to welcome Fr. Alberto back to our parish, he will continue serving with his gifts and talents to our parish.

Secondly, I want to thank each one of you who participated in our Feast celebration of our patron saint, each ministry, each group who were part of this celebration, and the members of the organizing committee; may the Lord bless you and keep you, shine his face upon you and give you peace.

(En Español)

In the first reading today, Jeremiah, the prophet lays bare his feelings. It’s like he’s saying, “I signed up for this, God, and now I’m questioning everything.” He’s caught in a whirlwind of emotions. Sometimes, even when we’re walking the path we believe in, doubts come up. His honesty hits home. He’s proclaiming God’s message, but facing backlash. It’s not all rainbows and sunshine – it’s a tough mission. He’s saying, “I’m done, but I can’t quit.” He’s like a pot about to boil over. Many of us can relate to that feeling, but we know that God is in charge.

In the gospel, Jesus speaks honestly to his disciples: suffering is on the horizon. It’s a tough pill to swallow. Suffering can catch us, making everything else fade to gray. No one signs up for suffering willingly. Peter, one of Jesus’ closest friends, had second thoughts at the idea of Jesus enduring the cross. Who would wish that on someone they care about?

But, Jesus has a different point of view. He’s all about marching forward and doing God’s will. It’s a game-changer. He believes suffering can be transformed, even death doesn’t have the final say. That’s quite the perspective shift. And it’s not just about us going through it. When we’re in the suffering trenches, we’ve got to cling to the promise Jesus offers.

Plus, there’s something about being there for others who are hurting. Even if you can’t fix it all, being a companion in their pain matters. Jesus showed us that suffering isn’t the endgame, God’s mercy can trump it all. So, in a nutshell, suffering isn’t a detour off the path, but a gritty part of it. And it’s not about avoiding it, but holding onto hope when it’s tough.

Remember, Peter tried to dodge it, but Jesus didn’t flinch. He faced the worst head-on, all for a bigger plan. So, next time suffering knocks at your door, don’t shut it out. And if you see someone else in the trenches, be that shoulder to lean on. Because just like Jesus, we’re not alone in this.

Peace and all good, Fr. Oscar

(En Español)

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