Annual Catholic Appeal: Assistance for Catholic Education

We thank those who have responded to the Annual Catholic Appeal by turning in pledges. We still need your help, so if you haven’t returned your pledge cards or made a pledge online, this is your opportunity! Please bring your completed pledge card to mass next weekend.

“Welcoming.” “Amazing.” “Successful.” That’s how some teachers described how they thought the new school year would go. Those words could very well describe Catholic schools across San Diego and Imperial counties.

From the moment students arrive on campus, the staff welcomes them like family and lovingly helps them to reach their highest academic and personal potential in a secure environment.

The schools work closely with parents to ensure the total education of the students. Here’s how one parent described the support her daughter received to prepare for the Academic Junior High Decathlon, one of the many enrichment opportunities the schools offer:

“I couldn’t have done it alone. I’m just so grateful for it.” It’s not just about test results, though San Diego Catholic students routinely score above their public and charter school peers. Catholic schools integrate Catholic values — such as compassion, dignity of the human person, and justice — into daily instruction, preparing students to make a difference in their community, church, and society. The students are learning and participating in the Church’s new, synodal approach to serving the community, in light of the Gospel, that welcomes everyone to work together to achieve the common good.

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