Anything that created separations and divisions between people made Jesus angry. The only time Jesus speaks of condemnation is against people who created divisions in the community.
Fr. Lalo Jara, OFM
New this week!
- -Fr. Lalo asks us to reflect on what we can do to promote equality and fraternity in our parish community.
- -Ushers wanted!
- -Help the homeless by giving to the Young Adult Ministry Giving Project
- -Thanksgiving Day Mass
- -Hike and Mass
- -Friendship Cafe Parol Making – Star Lantern
- -Thank You Day of the Dead volunteers
- -Sharing a prayer on Veterans Day
- Click for a PDF of the Bulletin

Click the picture or this link for the video of our pre-mass slideshow for the week beginning November 10, 2024. Enjoy scriptures, news, and events from your Mission San Luis Rey parish family.
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