Christmas has always been a busy holiday. I think we could use a little silence to hear the voice of Love, the voice of a God who shows his greatness in small things.
Fr. Lalo Jara, OFM –
New this week!
- Fr. Lalo Jara, OFM, writes about the mystery of Christmas.
- Christmas: God is With Us!
- Celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas at Home.
- Thank you to all who donated poinsettias.
- Keeping the Seasons for the Fourth Week of Advent
- Introducing the Pilgrims of Hope 2025 Jubilee Year Prayer
- Save the date for the Great Spaghetti Feed & Italian Cookoff
- Christmas Mass Schedule
- -Please pray for our parishioners who are sick, in need, or have died. Their names can be found in the parish bulletin.
- Click for a PDF of the Bulletin

Click the picture or this link for the video of our pre-mass slideshow for the week beginning December 22, 2024. Enjoy scriptures, news, and events from your Mission San Luis Rey parish family.
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