Like the grain of wheat,
Jesus has to let go of everything, including his own life, to bring new life to himself and those who believe in him.
Deacon Lyle Blackmon
Inside This Week
- Deacon Lyle talks about truly seeing Jesus and what he did for us.
- Our Palm Sunday mass schedule is on page 4.
- Please return your donation for our Annual Catholic Appeal.
- Parish Project Update: many exciting and much-needed upgrades.
- Spanish Language Concert featuring Lupe Rios on Thursday, May 2nd.
- Keeping the Season invites you to celebrate the Fifth Sunday of Lent.
- Save the date for the Knights of Columbus Chili Cook-off!
- Please pray for our sick and in need and for those who have died this week.
- Holy Week 2024 Worship Schedule is on the back page of the bulletin.
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