As we begin Holy Week and enter the sacred Paschal Triduum, I would exhort us to rid ourselves of all that keeps us from giving Jesus his rightful place in our lives.
Sandra Dominguez
Inside This Week
- Sandra Dominguez invites us to give Jesus his rightful place in our lives.
- Discover Holy Week: Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday.
- Serra Center Audio Visual System Update
- Pontifical Good Friday Collection
- Spanish Language Concert featuring Lupe Rios on Thursday, May 2nd.
- Nostra Aetate: a declaration from the U.S. Bishops
- Save the date for the Knights of Columbus Chili Cook-off!
- Please pray for our sick and in need and for those who have died this week.
- Holy Week 2024 Worship Schedule is on the back page of the bulletin.
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