Humans as babies, are completely dependent on the love, protection, and care of their parents. This is why Jesus compares us to sheep and himself to the Shepherd. He loves us so much like parents love their children.
–Sandra Dominguez
Inside This Week
- Click for Bulletin
- From our Director of Religious Education: Dear Children, Today we celebrate you! It’s Día del Niño! Children’s Day!
- News about Saturday Confessions in May
- World Day of Prayer for Vocations
- The Pastoral Council invites you to join us for a Parish Assembly
- Happy birthday, Church! Multicultural Pentecost Mass & Cultural Festival news.
- Fourth Sunday of Easter: Good Shepherd Sunday readings and weekly reflections.
- Join Creation Care Ministry to become a better caretaker of creation.
- Flores de Mayo is next weekend. Celebrate with our Filipino Community.
- Click for a PDF of the Bulletin
Scripture, News & Events
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