That word, Mass, means to be sent. We come to church to receive the gifts of God, and we are sent to bring these gifts to all the world’s people.
Fr. Lalo Jara, OFM
New this week!
- Fr. Lalo Jara, OFM, writes about how we are all partakers of the promise of Jesus Christ.
- Please enjoy the special insert about the Epiphany.
- Jubilee 2025! Discover resources on our parish website for you and your family to pray, share, and celebrate this year.
- The Year of Eucharistic Revival continues with an invitation to all to adore him!
- Find out more about Freewill.com, a trusted online platform to help you create your estate plan for free.
- Tax letters to all parishioners who have donated $250.00 will be mailed by the end of January.
- Here’s how to recycle your Christmas tree in Oceanside!
- The Knights of Columbus announce Wheelchair on Sunday, January 26th.
- The Diocese of San Diego invites you to join the Walk for Life on Saturday, January 18th.
- The Mission announces Candlelight concerts.
- Please pray for our parishioners who are sick, in need, or have died. Their names can be found in the parish bulletin.
- Prepare for the Great Spaghetti Feed Dinner and Valentine’s Day Dinner Dance.
- Click for a PDF of the Bulletin

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