Jesus loves us beyond measure. Only He can satisfy the deepest hunger of our hearts. When we fast, we make room for Him.
Fr. Lalo Jara, OFM
New this week!
- Parish Easter Basket Donation Envelope
- Fr. Lalo talks about Fasting: An Encounter with Jesus Christ
- Join us for the Stations of the Cross
- Lenten Reconciliation Services: dates and places
- Annual Catholic Appeal: It’s not too late! Your gift is meaningful!
- Our Refuge, Our Fortress. These are this week’s reflections for the first week of Lent.
- Lent: A Journey to Holiness
- Learn About the history, rules, and customs of Lent.
- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Save the date!
- Free Estate workshop on Zoom! Please register in advance!
- Please pray for our parishioners who are sick, in need, or have died. Their names can be found in the parish bulletin.
- Thank you very much…one faith, purpose, parish, and family!
- And much, much more!

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