Embracing the Divine Gift of Freedom
The USCCB invites Catholics to pray, reflect, and act to promote religious freedom.
Learning to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi.
The USCCB invites Catholics to pray, reflect, and act to promote religious freedom.
This weekend, I invited Josue Hernandez to write a reflection for us. Josue was an altar server, youth and young adult leader, and member of the Pastoral Council in our parish. After his college graduation, he chose to serve as a missionary in other countries. My hope is that his story will inspire others, especially young people, to boldly respond to God’s call to serve others.
— Fr. Sam Nasada, OFM
Your thoughts wanted: Pastoral Council Survey
Today’s feast is meant to help us grow in the understanding of the Eucharist and in our reverence for this great sacrament. We certainly need this reminder.
From Our Pastor The readings for today remind us that God is always with us and always caring for us, no matter where we are or what our circumstances are. The first reading tells of how Peter and John went from Jerusalem to Samaria to pray with the people there and call down the Holy Read More
Sunday, May 28th, 2023 11:00 a.m. Misa de Pentecostés Multicultural Outdoor Mass Our 10 AM and 12 PM Masses will be combined to celebrate a multicultural and multilingual outdoor Mass! Nuestras Misas de 10 AM y 12 PM serán combinadas para celebrar una Misa multicultural y multilingüe al aire libre! 10:30 a.m.—Call to Worship 11:00 Read More
From Our Associate Pastor I love today’s first reading from the Acts of the Apostles. The Hellenists complained to the Hebrews that their widows were being neglected in the distribution of resources. There seemed to be favoritism by the Hebrews since they still spoke the original language of Judaism instead of Greek (Hellas is another Read More
From Our Director of Religious Education Dear Children, Today we celebrate you! It’s Día del Niño! Children’s Day! In Mexico, children have a special holiday just for them (and it’s not Christmas, that’s about Jesus). Our parish celebrates it here in your honor. (En Español) In today’s readings, we heard Psalm 23, it’s about the Read More
From Our Associate Pastor Next Sunday is traditionally called the Good Shepherd Sunday, where the Gospel reading is typically about Jesus telling the parable of, or describing himself as the Good Shepherd. One of my favorite parables is about the shepherd who leaves his ninety-nine sheep in order to find the lost one. It not Read More
From Our Deacon This Second Sunday of Easter is a day that should be celebrated with the same enthusiasm and joy as the previous Sunday. The Church has customarily celebrated this first week after the holy night of Easter as a major Sunday. We have lived the mystery of the death and resurrection of Jesus Read More
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