Living a life of generosity and service, following in the footsteps of our Lord, Jesus Christ

Food Pantry Wishlist

UPDATED Amazon Wishlist! Shop our updated AMAZON WISHLIST to donate to the Food Pantry!  Buy food, toiletries, and other needed items. Use Amazon to buy an item and have it shipped directly to us for FREE, using SUPER SAVER shipping! LISTA DE DESEOS DE AMAZON ACTUALIZADA! ¡Compre en nuestra LISTA DE DESEOS DE AMAZON Read More

Oceanside Post Office Food Drive

THANK YOU, VOLUNTEERS! Recently, the Loretto House Food Pantry was able to obtain 20,000 lbs of food from the Oceanside Post Office Food Drive! Thank you to the Oceanside Post Office and to the volunteers who made the collection of this amount of food possible: Andy Oropesa, Abel Rendon, Gil Solis, John Fili, and Steve Read More

What is a Pastoral Plan?

All parishioners are invited to attend the Parish Assembly on Saturday, May 13, 2023, from 9:15 am to 11:30 am in St. Francis Hall.   At the assembly, the current Pastoral Plan will be reviewed, and updates provided regarding the Pastoral Council’s actions in the past year.  You may ask, what is a pastoral plan? Read More

Knights Easter Basket Food Drive

On Saturday and Sunday, March 25th and 26th, our Parish Squires and Roses will be accepting food donations after all Masses.   Help us fill our parish Social Outreach Easter Food baskets.  We need cans of tuna, spam, soup, chili, vegetables, jams, jellies, fruit, and tomato sauce.   Peanut butter, macaroni and cheese, cooking oil, Read More

Informes del Sínodo 2022

Nuestra comunidad de la Parroquia Misión San Luis Rey comenzó el proceso sinodal a fines de enero de 2022, dirigido por nuestro ahora Diácono Hno. Salvador Mejía, OFM. Comenzamos con una campaña invitando a la comunidad parroquial a participar en nuestras sesiones de escucha sinodales, una en inglés y otra en español, el 26 de Read More

Synod Parish Survey Results

Parish Synod Survey Results: One of the most interesting outcomes was that overwhelmingly the participants found these dialogues spiritually and pastorally very nourishing. The positivity of the experience was remarkable because the notes taken in these small groups reveal that participants shared significantly different viewpoints on the major issues they were discussing. This prayerfulness and respect for the dialogue constituted a glimpse of what a synodal culture might be.

Thank You, From Social Outreach

This weekend at the 4 pm Saturday, 8, 10 and 12 noon Masses, our Social Outreach department would like to say thank you for the donations and support during the holidays, as well as during the entire year. Our Loretto House Food Pantry continues to aid many families and people in need in our community. Please stop by for donuts and coffee.

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