How many of us are searching for peace anywhere and everywhere, even in the wrong places? When we go through trials and tribulations, to whom or where do we turn to? Do we always seek Jesus in his Word and in the Eucharist to obtain that peace that we so long for? In such a hectic and stressed world, it is very easy to lose peace, calmness, and serenity. And when those essential elements are lost, fears, troubles, and anguish come to us.
In the midst of so many worries, it is very important that we stop for a moment, and ask the Holy Spirit to flood us with his peace. Peace is a free gift that only Jesus can give us. He will never deny us because He is the Prince of Peace. Before Jesus left his disciples so that they would not feel sad or abandoned, he comforted and encouraged them with these beautiful words: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.” (John 14: 27). If Jesus himself brings us peace and tells us not to be afraid, why do we often doubt his words?.

What would our lives be like if we believed more in Jesus and his words? Surely we would stop trusting in ourselves and trust in Jesus more. We can have all the luxuries in the world: money, fame, and all material things that this world offers us, but if we do not have peace, what good is everything that this world offers us? That is why Jesus says that the peace that he offers is unique and free, and not like what the world offers us.
Let us taste and see how good Jesus is with all of us when we seek him with all our hearts. If we were to always and wholeheartedly seek Jesus, our hearts would always yearn to be with Him alone so that He could give us the peace that no one else can give us; only He is enough.
Every morning before starting our workday, let us try to remember to ask the Holy Spirit for peace, tranquility, and serenity, and we will realize that our days will be calmer and more enjoyable. The peace that Jesus offers every day drives away fears and troubles from us. Let us always seek Jesus every day and run towards that peace that He offers and gives freely. May it be so.
With love and respect,
Father Alberto Villafán, ofm.
Associate Pastor, Mission San Luis Rey Parish
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