The Good News of the Word of God is Fulfilled

In the first reading of today’s liturgy, the Third Sunday of Ordinary Time, Cycle C, we see that the prophet Ezra proclaims the Law before all the people so that they understand and accept and fulfill the Law in the days to come. But in the Gospel, Jesus stands up and proclaims that, even as Read More

Guadalupana Volunteers

Our Mission is to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus, as our mother and as patroness of the Americas, particularly promoting devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe through prayer and meditation of the Holy Rosary, as well as promoting evangelization and the practice of love and charity through actions and activities in our Read More

Voluntarios Guadalupana

Nuestra Misión es de honrar a María Santísima madre de Jesús como madre nuestra y como patrona de las Américas de manera en particular promoviendo la devoción a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe mediante la oración y la meditación del Santo Rosario, así como promover la evangelización y la práctica del amor y la caridad a través Read More

Boletín 19 de Enero de 2025

REFLEXIÓN DEL EVANGELIO La gloria de Dios puede llegar al final, cuando uno piensa que la fiesta ha terminado y los invitados están a punto de marcharse decepcionados. Con Jesús, siempre habrá suficiente, y será aún mejor si tenemos la paciencia de esperar hasta el final. Padre Lalo Jara, OFM ¡NUEVO ESTA SEMANA! Disfrute de Read More

Boletín 12 de Enero de 2025

REFLEXIÓN DEL EVANGELIO Hoy en día es de suma importancia saber comulgar de manera correcta, ordenada, respetuosa y, sobre todo, reverente. Padre More Torres, OFM ¡NUEVO ESTA SEMANA! Disfrute de las escrituras, noticias y eventos de su familia parroquial de Misión San Luis Rey para la semana que comienza el 12 de enero de 2025. Read More

Bulletin for January 12, 2025

GOSPEL REFLECTION Nowadays, it is of utmost importance to know how to take communion in a correct, orderly, respectful, and, above all, reverent manner. Fr. More Torres, OFM New this week! Enjoy scriptures, news, and events from your Mission San Luis Rey parish family. Sign up to Join Our Flock! Do you want to stay Read More

Yes, I Believe: Receiving Holy Communion with Reverence

Father, what do I have to respond when I receive communion, and what is the correct way to do it? someone asked me, to which I replied: amen, is the answer. Indeed, responding amen means that we firmly believe that what we receive is the Body and Blood of Christ. That is why many of Read More

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