We Have A Deacon!

From the Associate Pastor’s Desk WE HAVE A DEACON! Brother Salvador Mejia, OFM was ordained as a transitional deacon for our parish by Bishop Cardinal Robert McElroy last Friday. Here is some explanation about deacons from our bishops: Who is a Deacon? Deacons are ordained as a sacramental sign to the Church and to the Read More

Remembering Father Mychal Judge

From the Associate Pastor’s Desk On September 11, 2001, Franciscan priest Father Mychal Judge, OFM hastened to the World Trade Center after hearing that a plane had hit one of the towers. Father Mychal was a chaplain to the New York City Fire Department. He went into the tower to minister to firefighters and the Read More

He Is the Lord!

From the Pastor’s Desk We have made some decisions in our lives, but today Jesus reminds us that the choice to follow him is the most radical decision we could take in our life. It touches us far more deeply than, for example, the decision to join a political party, emigrate, or get married. Jesus Read More

We Were Born Ready

From the Pastor’s Desk In today’s Psalm, we pray: “God, in your goodness, you have made a home for the poor.” God truly does take care of the poor—by our hands! As the Body of Christ on earth, we are being made perfect whenever we invite the poor, the lame, the suffering, and the excluded Read More

Recline at the Table of God

From the Pastor’s Desk As Jesus was passing through towns and villages, someone asked him: “Lord, will only a few people be saved?” Most of us have wondered about that question as we look at the billions of pagans compared with the few committed Christians. It would have made for an interesting theological discussion. But Read More

Boldness and Courage Needed!

Guest Friar Column The Christian life is not easy. This Sunday’s readings invite us to look closer at the struggles of living an authentic Christian life. The path of following God is difficult and sometimes contradictory. Just as the prophet Jeremiah experienced, staying true to the word of God can lead to alienation, mistreatment, and Read More

What Is Faithfulness?

Guest Friar Column It is often difficult to understand what it means to be faithful. We mistake faithfulness for consistently being present at church, always being present in many events, and being an active member. Faithfulness is the root of it all. That, through the Holy Spirit, it is the “realization of what is hoped Read More

Seek the Kingdom of God

(En Español) This time I would like to reflect on the second reading for this Sunday. St. Paul writes, “So if you have been raised with Christ, seek things that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God” (Colossians 3:1), he is, of course, moving from Resurrection to Ascension. We set Read More

Our Father who Art in Heaven

(En Español) For all of us who call ourselves Catholics and followers of Christ, prayer has to be the most important and essential part of our lives. When a Catholic prays every day, it shows in the way they think, speak, behave and relate to others. Jesus spent hours and hours during the night, talking Read More

I Have Earnestly Desired

(En Español) A few weeks ago, Pope Francis issued an apostolic letter titled Desiderio Desideravi, the first words in Latin from Luke 22:15, when Jesus says to his disciples, “I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.” In this letter, the Pope reminds us: No one had earned a place Read More

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