What Is Faithfulness?

The Son of Man Will Come

Guest Friar Column

It is often difficult to understand what it means to be faithful. We mistake faithfulness for consistently being present at church, always being present in many events, and being an active member. Faithfulness is the root of it all. That, through the Holy Spirit, it is the “realization of what is hoped for, and evidence of things not seen.” (Heb 11:1) Which should not only remain within us, but we see this being turned into practice and what Jesus expects us to do. He entrusts us with much, our very soul and body are a gift, even if we don’t have the mundane glory or riches, to God, what we have is more precious than any of that. Jesus chooses us out of Love but this also implies a sense of fidelity; to be faithful spouses of God, in this case, faithful to the master of the house.

We may often find ourselves clouded by the earthly goods, things that provide comfort and stability, but the reality is, that although they are good by nature of being part of creation, they are but a small reflection of the true goodness of God. Thus, Jesus’s insistence on the servant to remain faithful and not be lax. Being children of God also implies a responsibility to imitate his Son, not only when he ate and drank but also through his passion and cross. We all have this pathway towards redemption and those who think are close to it are only impacted by an even steeper mountain. Our life is precisely a pilgrimage, we are given gifts to aid us in our journey but nonetheless, the journey is only a means to a destination. Let us not falter like the drunk and lazy servant but remain faithful and cling to what is good, that being our Lord Jesus Christ.

May the triune God in their goodness and awesomeness fill you all with the gifts of faithfulness and servitude.

Pax et Amor -Friar Roberto Macias-Marin, OFM Conv.

(En Español)

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