The Lord Found Me

Little by little we are getting closer to Holy Week, and today’s Gospel brings us this beautiful story of the Prodigal Son, or the Forgiving Father, or even some people have called it the parable of the two brothers. This story has so many details that our minds can imagine every scene of the story. Read More

Franciscan Thought: On Poverty

From our associate pastor AND OUR PASTORAL COUNCIL Dear Friends, members of our Pastoral Council in the parish have been taking turns each month writing a “Franciscan Thought” for the council to reflect on. I would like to share one with you and also introduce you to our council members. Peace and all good, Fr. Read More

Living Our Mission

From the Pastor ‘s desk Dear Parishioners, Each year we are invited to participate in our Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA), which is an opportunity for all of us to support essential ministries and services which benefit many in our Local Church. The theme of this year’s appeal, Living Our Mission, calls to mind what we Read More

No Tengas Miedo

De Nuestro Vicario En este Evangelio del Quinto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, nos encontramos con una joya hermosa de la humildad y sencilles de San Pedro. Al ver la pesca milagrosa, Pedro se reconoce como un pecador porque no había entendido quien era realmente Jesús. “Apártate de mí, Señor que soy un pecador. Pues tanto Read More

Do Not Be Afraid

From the Associate Pastor In this Gospel for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, we find a beautiful jewel in the example of humility and simplicity of Saint Peter. Seeing the miraculous catch of fish, Peter acknowledges that he is a sinner because he had not understood who Jesus really was. “’ Depart from me, Read More

El Amor Nunca Falla

DE NUESTRO PÁRROCO Las lecturas de este día me recuerdan a los mártires de mi país: Monseñor Romero (hoy Santo), padre Rutilio Grande, padre Cosme Spessotto, y los laicos Manuel Solorzano y Nelson Lemus, beatificados el fin de semana pasado. Estoy seguro que en cada país tenemos mártires o profetas que sufren las consecuencias de Read More

Love Never Fails

From the Pastor The readings for today remind me of the martyrs of my country: Monsignor Romero (today a Saint), Father Rutilio Grande, Father Cosme Spessotto, and the laymen Manuel Solórzano and Nelson Lemus, beatified last weekend. I am sure that in every country we have martyrs or prophets who suffer the consequences of being Read More

La Palabra de Dios

DE NUESTRO VICARIO “Cuando se leen en la Iglesia las Sagradas Escrituras, es Dios mismo quien habla a su pueblo, y Cristo, presente en su Palabra, quien anuncia la Buena Nueva”. (IGMR, #29). Estas palabras provenientes de la Instrucción General del Misal Romano (IGMR) establecen una profunda verdad que necesitamos reflexionar y hacerla propia. Las Read More

The Word of God

From the Associate Pastor “When the Sacred Scriptures are read in the Church, God himself speaks to his people, and Christ, present in his word, proclaims the Gospel” (GIRM, no. 29). These words from the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) set before us a profound truth that we need to ponder and make Read More

El Primer Milagro de Jesus

De Nuestro Vicario –En este domingo, 16 de enero, ¡nos encontramos con el primer milagro que Jesús hace en las bodas de Caná! ¡Seguramente Jesús quiere que la fiesta, la alegría y la convivencia continúe con los novios e invitados! En tal fiesta, aparece Maria Santísima, la Madre de Jesús y Madre nuestra. Maria desempeña Read More

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