“How wonderful and fabulous would it be if all of us who call ourselves Catholic Christians, practiced what we say, having Jesus as our example and role model.”
– Fray Alberto Villafan, OFM
Inside This Week
- Click for Bulletin
- Fray Alberto invites us to live with Jesus as our role model.
- Grief Support is available for those who’ve lost loved ones.
- Nourishment for Caregivers is starting a skills series.
- Honor loved ones by purchasing poinsettias for our worship spaces.
- Synod Questions
- Social Outreach: Food Drive, Thanksgiving Food Baskets, Angel Gift program news.
- Friendship Cafe invites you to Parol Making
- Serra Center Improvements
- Parish Office is Closed Wednesday, November 15th
- Fatima Pilgrimage Meeting: come if interested or have signed up
- Advent Reconciliation Services
- Important! Parking Lot Thefts
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