Learning to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi.

Welcome to the Greatest Time Of Our Lives

From Our Associate Pastor PALM SUNDAY As we start Holy Week with Palm Sunday, we see a dramatic shift in tone: we turn from the triumphant entry into Jerusalem towards the Cross. Holy Week is about Christ’s Passion, death, and Resurrection; and that means that Holy Week is about God’s deep love for humanity. We Read More

Live in Light

In these last Sundays of Lent, when we have listened to the beginning of the Gospel, Jesus has always been on his way. The evangelists do not mention where Jesus is going. We now know that he was on his way to fulfill his mission, the paschal mystery, which was the will of his Father. With his passion, death, and resurrection, Jesus brings salvation, but he also brings liberation.

Lenten Service Project

This Lenten season, our young adult ministry will be collecting donations to create care packages for our houseless community members. DONATIONS WILL BE COLLECTED NEXT SUNDAY 3/5 & SUNDAY 3/12 AFTER MASS !!

Please share with your friends and family so that we can help as many people as possible and collect as many donations as possible. If you have any questions or want to help more please DM or email jazmyn@sanluisreypariah.org

Let the Holy Spirit be Your Guide

In today’s Gospel, we hear about Jesus’ temptation in the desert. I want to invite you to reflect on two verses of this passage. The first one, “Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil.” and the second, “One does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God.”

Be Holy

Today’s readings invite us to realize who we are in relation to God, our neighbor, and creation. The first reading says: “’Be holy, for I, the Lord, your God, am holy.’” This code of holiness is not something unattainable in our lives, that which is only reserved for a select few. Nor is it supernatural or merely spiritual behavior that occurred in the past.

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