Celebrando nuestra diversidad
Misa Multicultural del Domingo de Pentecostés – DOMINGO 19 DE MAYO DE 2024 – 11:00 horas en los Jardines de Serra.
Learning to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi.
Misa Multicultural del Domingo de Pentecostés – DOMINGO 19 DE MAYO DE 2024 – 11:00 horas en los Jardines de Serra.
Multicultural Pentecost Sunday Mass / Misa de Pentecostés Multicultural
SUNDAY, MAY 19, 2024 – 11:00 a.m. in the Serra Gardens.
If we remain connected to (Jesus), we can bear much fruit and glorify the Father.
Deacon Lyle Blackmon writes about Jesus as the Good Shepherd.
From the Pastor’s Desk The reflections of Easter on sin and penance differ from those of Lent. The focus during Easter is not on the evils of sin but on redemption from sin. With the resurrection of Christ, the world has been transformed. We are no longer mired down by darkness, by evil. The world Read More
From Our Pastoral Associate Jesus’s mercy, love, kindness, patience, and forgiveness surpass all his disciples’ obstacles, anguish, and disbelief. Although Jesus was sold, betrayed, denied, and abandoned by those he loved unconditionally, he never harbored hatred or resentment, and he never took revenge. While the disciples were behind closed doors, in the house where they Read More
From Our Pastor This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad (today’s psalm). We just celebrated the Triduum, commemorating the passion, death, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, and today we celebrate the victory of our Lord over death. We welcome our new brothers and sisters to our Read More
Would you like to give Jesus his rightful place of Lordship, King of your life? If you want to give our King his rightful place, be a donkey, humble to follow the example of service that Christ gave us, and stubborn and passionate about all things concerning our God.
Psalm 119:15 reads, “I will ponder your precepts and consider your paths.” During the 40 days of Lent, make a spot in your day for a one-minute reflection.
Viernes 22 de marzo – 6:00 p.m. Los diversos ministerios de nuestra parroquia presentan estas estaciones al aire libre, comenzando frente a la Iglesia de la Misión y extendiéndose desde los terrenos de la Misión hasta los terrenos de la Parroquia. Haga clic aquí para obtener el folleto de estaciones Haga clic aquí para ver Read More
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