Reflections on the weekly gospel from our Pastor.

Unity in Diversity

From Our Associate Pastor I love today’s first reading from the Acts of the Apostles. The Hellenists complained to the Hebrews that their widows were being neglected in the distribution of resources. There seemed to be favoritism by the Hebrews since they still spoke the original language of Judaism instead of Greek (Hellas is another Read More

It’s Día del Niño! Children’s Day!

From Our Director of Religious Education Dear Children, Today we celebrate you! It’s Día del Niño! Children’s Day! In Mexico, children have a special holiday just for them (and it’s not Christmas, that’s about Jesus). Our parish celebrates it here in your honor. (En Español) In today’s readings, we heard Psalm 23, it’s about the Read More

To Find the Lost Sheep

From Our Associate Pastor Next Sunday is traditionally called the Good Shepherd Sunday, where the Gospel reading is typically about Jesus telling the parable of, or describing himself as the Good Shepherd. One of my favorite parables is about the shepherd who leaves his ninety-nine sheep in order to find the lost one. It not Read More

Welcome to the Greatest Time Of Our Lives

From Our Associate Pastor PALM SUNDAY As we start Holy Week with Palm Sunday, we see a dramatic shift in tone: we turn from the triumphant entry into Jerusalem towards the Cross. Holy Week is about Christ’s Passion, death, and Resurrection; and that means that Holy Week is about God’s deep love for humanity. We Read More

Live in Light

In these last Sundays of Lent, when we have listened to the beginning of the Gospel, Jesus has always been on his way. The evangelists do not mention where Jesus is going. We now know that he was on his way to fulfill his mission, the paschal mystery, which was the will of his Father. With his passion, death, and resurrection, Jesus brings salvation, but he also brings liberation.

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