Reflections on the weekly gospel from our Pastor.

Hear the Voice of Love

Dear Brothers and Sisters, On these days, when best wishes, the most endearing human feelings, and the social values typical of Christian roots flourish, on these days of celebration, of joy, of places and houses with many decorations and lights, it is suitable to announce the true protagonist: Jesus. Christmas is a mystery of love. Read More

Experience Joy

From Our Pastor On this Third Sunday of Advent, the liturgy invites us to experience JOY. In the first part of today’s Gospel, we meet three groups of people who turn to John the Baptist to obtain concrete life guidelines: the common people, the tax collectors, and the soldiers. Everyone has a recurring question: “What Read More

Why did Mary appear on the Hill of Tepeyac?

From Our Associate Pastor Why did Mary appear on the Hill of Tepeyac? Are these Apparitions true? There are many studies on the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, and some of these investigations are objectively close to the “truth,” but other speculations lead us to a factual reality. The historical context is very precise Read More

How do we stay awake, alert, and ready?

From Our Pastor Someone in love knows that the person they love will always be in their thoughts, dreams, fantasies, and conversations. Believing in Christ means falling in love with Him. Jesus does not abandon us. In Cycle “C,” we are beginning this weekend with the First Sunday of Advent, the first Sunday of the Read More

A Kingdom of Love, Justice and Peace

From Our Pastor The solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, is the crown of the liturgical year. Jesus began his public life proclaiming that “the kingdom of God has arrived” and “the kingdom of God is here.” The expression “the kingdom of God” and “the kingdom of heaven” appear 104 times Read More

Where the Light of the Gospel Enters

We are almost at the end of the liturgical year. When Mark wrote his Gospel, the Roman Empire was devastated by wars, plagues, calamities, and famines. Christian communities were affected by persecution and murders. In the face of such struggles, some fanatics began to spread rumors of an impending catastrophe, the end of all creation, Read More

United With God

From the beginning of his public life, Jesus came into conflict with the representatives of the religious institution, the scribes, and the Pharisees. This Sunday’s gospel passage presents Jesus’ attack against the scribes. Jesus denounced their behavior: “They like to walk around in long robes” to get everyone’s attention. Jesus didn’t like that. A person Read More

The Courage to Ask Jesus

In this Sunday’s Gospel passage, we hear the story of Bartimaeus, a blind beggar who asks Jesus to be healed. Even though the crowd is blocking him, Bartimaeus persists, and Jesus responds to his faith by restoring his sight. This passage highlights the importance of faith and persistence, even in the face of obstacles. Pope Read More

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