May Calendar
Youth Ministry
We welcome all high school teens to join us on Wednesdays from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm in the Parish Youth Center. Please bring a friend, and let’s fuel our faith together! YOU belong!
- Wednesday, May 1st, Tacos and Truth
- Wednesday, May 8th, Living Rosary
- Wednesday, May 15th, NO GATHERING
- Wednesday, May 22, Time
- Wednesday, May 29th, Volleyball Tournament and Bonfire!

- Join us for Praise and Worship Camp from July 30th through August 02, 2024
- Location: St. Patrick Church in Carlsbad
- Deadline to register: June 30th
- Cost of Camp: $70.00
- For more information, contact Mr. Pat Clasby, pclasby@stpatrickcarlsbad.com or call 760-434-3278
- For more information, call Jazmyn Cabrera Youth Minister 760-547-0702
Keep in Touch