“The Eucharist is the heart and the summit of the Church’s life, for in it Christ associates His Church and all her members with His sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving offered once for all on the cross to His Father; by this sacrifice, He pours out the graces of salvation on His Body which is the Church.” -CCC 1407
For information on our First Eucharist / First Communion program, please get in touch with Alessandra at 760-547-0716 or allesandra@sanluisreyparish.org
Para obtener información sobre nuestro programa de Primera Eucaristía/Primera Comunión, comuníquese con Alessandra al 760-547-0716 o allesandra@sanluisreyparish.org
Meet Our Faith Formation Staff / Conozca a nuestro personal de formación de fe

Deacon Lyle Blackmon
Director of Catechetical Ministry
Hello! My name is Deacon Lyle Blackmon. I have been a deacon for over five years now. I have been a parishioner/deacon on Camp Pendleton for thirty-six years. My journey and calling to becoming a deacon are a combination of many churches, people, and spiritual events. To all I am eternally grateful. I am a retired Marine and college professor for many years. I have been married for forty years to my beautiful wife Emi, and have two grown kids and two growing grandchildren. See you in church! Peace and All Good.