A wedding is a day; A marriage is a lifetime!
Welcome! As a Catholic Community, may we offer our congratulations on your decision to join together in the Sacrament of Matrimony. Please know that our Franciscan community prays with you and for you as you step out together on this journey in God’s love.
At Mission San Luis Rey Parish, couples prepare for this great sacrament at least a year before the proposed wedding date. Your journey begins with a phone call or visit to schedule an initial interview with our parish office. Please contact:
Shirley González
Pastoral Associate
(760) 547-0706
Please take a look at our wedding policy which outlines the steps in the Marriage Preparation process. Our hope is that at the end of the process, each couple will understand and experience the Sacramental graces Christ offers couples as they commit to each other in the Sacrament of Matrimony.
For a pdf of our Wedding Policies, please click here.
To make a payment on a scheduled wedding, please click here.
Our St. Francis Hall welcomes you! For rental information, please contact our Hall Rental Coordinators, Jesus & Elizabeth Salinas at (760) 518-1891 or email: rentals@sanluisreyparish.org.