How Can This Be?

From Our Associate Pastor. How Can This Be? That’s what we hear Mary say to the Angel Gabriel upon hearing from him that she will bear a son who will be called the Son of the Most High, who will take the throne of David, rule the house of Jacob, and whose kingdom will have Read More

¡Preparad el Camino del Señor!

De Nuestro Vicario Seguramente, al escuchar, profundizar y meditar las lecturas de este domingo, 14 de noviembre, surgirán muchas dudas, miedos, incertidumbres, angustias, ansiedades, y quizás depresiones en nuestras mentes y Este domingo 5 de diciembre iniciamos y celebramos el Segundo Domingo de Adviento. El personaje principal es Juan el Bautista, el último de los Read More

Prepare the Way of the Lord!

From the Associate Pastor This Sunday, December 5, we are beginning and celebrating the Second Sunday of Advent. The main character is John the Baptist, the last of the prophets. It should be noted that John the Baptist plays a very important role, not only in the time of Advent, but also in the season Read More

Mirando con Esperanza

De Nuestro Párroco Estamos comenzando el nuevo año litúrgico, ciclo C. El Primer Domingo de Adviento nos da la oportunidad de centrar nuestro pensamiento en la esperanza. Es una hermosa oportunidad para recordar la esperanza que Dios ofrece a nuestro mundo perdido y moribundo, y que nos ha dado a través de Jesús. La palabra Read More

Watching in Hope

From the Pastor Something that I find in common in today’s first reading and in the Gospel, is the story of two widows. Both are common, hard-working women. Both are poor. Both put their trust in God rather than in things. Both are rewarded for their faith. The first widow is a foreigner to the Read More

Walking the Road to Holiness

From Our Associate Pastor: FUTURE NATIVE AND AFRICAN AMERICAN SAINTS November is Native American Heritage Month and also Black Catholic History Month. I’d like to invite you to learn more about two people who are currently on the path to canonization. Nicholas Black Elk Nicholas Black Elk (circa 1863-1950) was a member of the Oglala Read More

Caminando por el Camino de la Santidad

Noviembre es el Mes de la Herencia de los Nativos Americanos y también el Mes de la Herencia de los Negros Católicos. Me gustaría invitarlo a conocer más sobre dos personas que actualmente se encuentran en el camino hacia la canonización. Nicholas Black Elk Nicholas Black Elk (circa 1863-1950) fue miembro de la tribu Oglala Read More

Mis Palabras no Pasarán

De Nuestro Vicario Seguramente, al escuchar, profundizar y meditar las lecturas de este domingo, 14 de noviembre, surgirán muchas dudas, miedos, incertidumbres, angustias, ansiedades, y quizás depresiones en nuestras mentes y corazones porque las lecturas nos anticipan lo que sucederá al fin del mundo. Escuchamos en los medios de comunicación que se avecinan, “el apagón Read More

My Words Will Not Pass Away

Surely, as we listen to, reflect and meditate over the readings for this Sunday, November 14, many doubts, fears, uncertainties, anxieties, and perhaps even depression may arise in our minds and hearts; because the readings anticipate what will happen at the end of the world. We hear in the media that “a great blackout and Read More

God Saw Her Faith

From the Pastor Something that I find in common in today’s first reading and in the Gospel, is the story of two widows. Both are common, hard-working women. Both are poor. Both put their trust in God rather than in things. Both are rewarded for their faith. The first widow is a foreigner to the Read More

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