The latest news, events, and opportunities for service from your parish family.

Enter the Joy of Your Lord

This “penultimate” Sunday of the liturgical year introduces us fully to the eschatological religious dimension. It instructs us and motivates us to think about the last things in life, those that we almost never want to talk about. The gospel of Matthew (25:14-30) shows us, as the evangelist has understood it, a parable of “parousia” about the coming of the Lord.

Boletín 11-19-2023

Descargar el boletín ahora “Quien da una respuesta total en la misión evangelizadora de acuerdo a sus capacidades, tiene asegurada su entrada en el banquete del Reino: entra en el gozo de tu Señor.” – Fray Salvador Mejia, OFM Dentro de esta semana: Noticias Sign Me Up ¡Recibe las últimas noticias! ¿Quiere mantenerse actualizado connotificaciones Read More

Bulletin for 11-19-2023

“Whoever gives a total response in the evangelizing mission according to his or her abilities is assured of entry into the banquet of the Kingdom: enter the joy of your Lord.” – Friar Salvador Mejia, OFM Click for the Bulletin PDF (En Español) (En Español) Inside This Week Sign up to Join Our Flock! Do Read More

FOOD PANTRY NEWS: Thanksgiving Baskets and Closures

FOOD PANTRY NEWS Thanksgiving Baskets and Closures Thanksgiving Baskets will be given out on Tuesday, November 21st, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on a first come, first serve basis, while supplies last. The Food Pantry will close beginning November 22nd and reopen on Tuesday, November 28th. We are in great need of adult diapers Read More

Explore La Visión de la Parroquia

Nuestro Consejo Parroquial, junto con el Personal Pastoral, ha fijado los principales objetivos para nuestra Parroquia para el año 2023-2024.

Explore the Vision of the Parish

Our Parish Council, together with the Pastoral Staff, has put together the main objectives for our Parish for the 2023-2024 year. Click to read more.

Reflexión Pastoral 11-12-2023

En esta historia, se esperaba que las damas de honor esperaran la llegada del novio y lo saludaran con una procesión de luces en la oscuridad.

Be Vigilant

In this story, it is expected that the bridesmaids would await the arrival of the bridegroom and greet him with a procession of light in the darkness.

Boletín 11-12-2023

Descargar el boletín ahora “Vivir en vigilancia significa que los discípulos realicen las tareas para las que se les ha asignado en preparación para la venida del Maestro”. – Fray Oscar Méndez, OFM Dentro de esta semana: Noticias Sign Me Up ¡Recibe las últimas noticias! ¿Quiere mantenerse actualizado connotificaciones por mensaje de texto y / Read More

Bulletin for 11-12-2023

“To live in vigilance means for the disciples to do the tasks that they have been appointed to do in preparation for the Master’s coming.”

– Friar Oscar Mendez, OFM

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